Frustrated. Tired. Hopeless. Worried.
If that’s how you’ve been feeling since your child was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, you’re not alone.
I’m Beth McNally, MS, MA, CNS®, LDN, CKNS®, and my husband, Matt, and I are the founders of T1D Nutrition.
If your family’s experience is anything like ours, we’re going to guess that the questions are coming fast and furious:
→ Type 1 diabetes? What, exactly, is that?
→ What are carbohydrates, and how do they work in the body, anyway?
→ Wait, he doesn’t have to change the way he eats? That doesn’t seem right…
When our son, Lachlan, was diagnosed with T1D back in 2015, I was feeling overwhelmed and embarrassed while trying to process everything our doctor and dietitian were saying.
Meanwhile, Matt was pulling all-nighters, reading everything he could get his hands on in order to make sense of what we were up against.
As the news settled in, we quickly learned that people with type 1 diabetes can face frightening long- and short-term risks, including reduced quality of life, loss of vision, loss of limbs, and even premature death. That certainly wasn’t the future we wanted for our son.

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But among the most important things we learned is this:
One of the best ways to reduce diabetes complications is to keep blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible – just as the body of someone without T1D tries to do.
Still, no matter what we did, it seemed like Lachlan’s blood sugars would swing from high to low and back again. The worst part? He just didn’t feel well, and he wasn’t himself.
Eventually, after countless hours of research, deep dives, going down the rabbit hole, and even combing through the work of Dr. Richard Bernstein, we started to wonder if implementing a very low-carb diet would help normalize our son’s blood glucose levels.
So, with the support and guidance of his incredible care team, we went all in.
And… it worked.
Lachlan’s blood glucose levels were steadier, and his A1C was finally within normal range. The very best part, though, was that he finally seemed like himself again. And as an added bonus? The stress and anxiety the whole family had been grappling with finally dissipated.
Still, we had questions:
→ Don’t kids need carbs to grow?
→ How do we make sure he’s getting everything he needs in his diet?
→ Are we doing the right thing?
So, in search of more definitive answers, I decided to pursue my Clinical Nutrition Degree by enrolling in a Master of Science program.
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Along the way, we realized a disappointing truth: for many people, including our son, traditional diabetes management was simply not enough.
Often, the missing piece is a low-carb nutrition strategy – officially known as Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction – alongside an insulin dosing plan. It’s a way of eating that relies on real, nutrient-dense foods that help to keep blood glucose as close to normal as possible – all while providing the nutrition your child needs to grow into a strong, healthy, happy adult.
Now, as a Certified Nutrition Specialist® professional and a Licensed Dietitian-Nutritionist, I use nutrition therapy to support people with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and general metabolic health.
I also created a comprehensive program, The Nutrition Effect: A Parent’s Guide to Food and Normal Blood Glucose for Children with Type 1 Diabetes, that includes everything we wish we would have known when our son was first diagnosed – from a parenting perspective and from a clinical professional’s perspective.
Together, Matt and I are here to share what we’ve learned so that families like yours can have access to the knowledge and support they need to feel more confident in their caregiving, make T1D easier to manage, and help their children grasp the happier, healthier futures that await.
Ready to get started?
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When I first found T1D Nutrition, I felt so validated – I knew I was on the right track
In the early days after my daughter’s diagnosis, there was a lot of scrolling the internet and a lot of insomnia. Nothing was adding up; nothing was making sense. She’s an athlete, too, which adds another layer to the complexity. The last thing I wanted to do was take her out of sports, but I didn’t want to put her into a situation where she crashed. When I first found T1D Nutrition, I felt so validated – I knew I was on the right track. - Becky S.
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Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction: What it Is, What it Isn’t, and Why it Works
While Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction (often abbreviated as TCR) might sound complex, it’s actually quite simple: it’s a way of eating that revolves around choosing foods that stabilize blood sugar and meet the nutritional needs of your growing child.

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Beth’s Credentials

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There IS a Better Way
Ready to get off of that blood glucose roller coaster, say goodbye to the constant stress, reduce the risk of diabetic complications, and help your child feel like themselves again – all while making T1D simpler and easier to manage?
Start with the Three Main Reasons Why Conventional Type 1 Diabetes Management Doesn’t Work webinar. It’s free!
People with T1D deserve to do more than just live – they deserve to thrive. We’re here to provide the support and education to help you get there.
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